Updated: September 28, 2024
WezTerm is a powerful cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written in rust.
This application is cross platform, still best used with posix type systems.
I still like to use either tmux || zellij instead of wezterms builtin.
Table of Contents
Config File
My .wezterm.lua (By using FFI (Foreign Function Interface)of Rust)
-- d8P
-- d888888P
-- 788 d8P d8P d8888bd88888P ?88' d8888b 88bd88b 88bd8b,d88b
-- d88 d8P' d8P'd8b_,dP d8P' 88P d8b_,dP 88P' ` 88P'`?8P'?8b
-- 78b ,88b ,88' 88b d8P' 88b 88b d88 d88 d88 88P
-- `?888P'888P' `?888P'd88888P' `?8b `?888P'd88' d88' d88' 88b
local wezterm = require 'wezterm'
local config = {}
-- Use config builder object if possible
if wezterm.config_builder then config = wezterm.config_builder() end
-- color scheme (Tokyo Night, Trim Yer Beard, MaterialDark, Royal, Darktooth)
config.color_scheme = "Tokyo Night"
config.colors = {
foreground = "#0066cc",
background = "#000100",
cursor_bg = "#ee4400",
cursor_fg = "#ffffff",
cursor_border = "#ee4400",
split = "#0000ff",
tab_bar = {
background = "#000100",
ansi = {
brights = {
-- font with fallback
config.font = wezterm.font_with_fallback({
{ family = "Maple Mono", scale = 1.2 },
{ family = "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font", scale = 1.2 },
config.window_background_opacity = 0.95
config.window_decorations = "RESIZE"
config.window_close_confirmation = "AlwaysPrompt"
config.scrollback_lines = 3000
config.default_workspace = "home"
-- Dim inactive panes
config.inactive_pane_hsb = {
saturation = 0.24,
brightness = 0.5
-- hide the tab bar if there is only one tab
--config.hide_tab_bar_if_only_one_tab = true
-- tab bar
config.use_fancy_tab_bar = false
config.status_update_interval = 1000
wezterm.on("update-right-status", function(window, pane)
-- Workspace name
local stat = window:active_workspace()
-- It's a little silly to have workspace name all the time
-- Utilize this to display LDR or current key table name
if window:active_key_table() then stat = window:active_key_table() end
if window:leader_is_active() then stat = "LDR" end
-- Current working directory
local basename = function(s)
-- Nothing a little regex can't fix
return string.gsub(s, "(.*[/\\])(.*)", "%2")
local cwd = basename(pane:get_current_working_dir())
-- Current command
local cmd = basename(pane:get_foreground_process_name())
-- Time
local time = wezterm.strftime("%H:%M")
-- Let's add color to one of the components
-- Wezterm has a built-in nerd fonts
{ Foreground = { Color = "aa44cc" } },
{ Text = wezterm.nerdfonts.oct_table .. " " .. stat },
{ Text = " | " },
{ Foreground = { Color = "ee4400" } },
{ Text = wezterm.nerdfonts.md_folder .. " " .. cwd },
{ Text = " | " },
{ Foreground = { Color = "ff9900" } },
{ Text = wezterm.nerdfonts.fa_code .. " " .. cmd },
{ Foreground = { Color = "ff9900" } },
{ Text = " | " },
{ Foreground = { Color = "0066cc" } },
{ Text = wezterm.nerdfonts.md_clock .. " " .. time },
{ Text = " |" },
-- keybindings
local act = wezterm.action
config.keys = {
key = 'R',
mods = 'CMD|SHIFT',
action = act.PromptInputLine {
description = 'Enter new name for tab',
action = wezterm.action_callback(function(window, _, line)
if line then
key = ',',
mods = 'CMD',
action = act.SpawnCommandInNewTab {
cwd = os.getenv('WEZTERM_CONFIG_DIR'),
set_environment_variables = {
TERM = 'screen-256color',
args = {
key = 't',
mods = 'CMD|SHIFT',
action = act.ShowTabNavigator,
return config
Understand which keys are which: keys
# see key assignments
wezterm show-keys --lua
This list is most used, for all see Key Assignments
ALT # == META == OPT
enter # fullscreen
m # hide
n # new window
r # reload configuration
t # new tab
w # close current tab
1-9 # activate tab
0 # reset font size
- # descrease font size
= # increase font size