Updated: September 28, 2024
Journalctl is used to query the systemd journal.
Unlike syslog, which logs messages to plain text files, the systemd journal stores messages in a binary format for easier and faster search.
-f, --follow # continuously print, (tail -f)
-n, --lines= # show and limit recent events, default 10, implied on -f
-x, --catalog # helpful hints to context of errors or log event.
-m, --merge # merge all entries from all journals, including remote ones
-k, --dmesg # show only kernel messages
-u, --unit= # show logs for a specific service
--user # show logs for a specific user
journalctl -u ssh # see logs for ssh service
journalctl -f --user megacron # follow user megacron persistently
journalctl --disk-usage # size of journal on disk
journalctl --list-boots # list of system boots, most recent boot is always 0
journalctl -b 0 -u ssh # see ssh logs for a certain boot session
journalctl --since=yesterday --until= now # all messages for a range of time
journalctl -n 100 /usr/sbin/sshd # see most 100 recent entries for ssh
Journal collects from several sources: /dev/log # software that operates according to syslog /dev/kmsg # messages from linux kernel /run/systemd/journal/stdout # log messages sent to STDOUT /run/systemd/journal/socket # software the messages using systemd journal API and finally messages from the kernels own auditd daemon
FILE: /etc/systemd/journald.conf # not meant to be edited EDIT: /etc/systemd/journald.conf.d