
Updated: January 14, 2024

Markdown Cheatsheet and go

Table of Contents

#                 H1
##				  H2
###				  H3
####			  H4
#####			  H5
######			  H6

*italicized text*
**bold text**
***bold and italicized***

> Blockquote

1. Ordered list
2. Second Item
3. Third Item

- Unordered list
- Second item
- Third item

--- horizontal rule

`code`		url will be made linked
''	url will not become a link

[title](	link
[title](/relative/path/  local link
![title](	image

Here is a sentence with a footnote. [^1]
[^1]: This is the footnote

: definition


- [x] Task list
- [ ] second item
- [ ] third item