“A"rch Linux “U"ser “R"epository. Community driven that used PKGBUILDs to compile packages from source.
“A"rch Linux “U"ser “R"epository. Community driven that used PKGBUILDs to compile packages from source.
Creating backups on linux systems including cold storage, local and remote with rsync.
Glava is a music visualizer.
Installing or reinstalling graphics drivers on command line.
Used for landing window for launching options for systems with multiple operating systems.
Netplan started in Ubuntu 17.10. It is what is now used to manage and configure networking on a Ubuntu system.
Nix is a package manager, repository, operating system and programming language.
Security settings and configurations to keep Linux machines safe.
Set default sound and mic on linux.
Creating backups on linux systems including cold storage, local and remote with rsync.
udev manager determines how network interfaces should be named.
VLC settings.