
Updated: September 28, 2024

Creating backups on linux systems including cold storage, local and remote with rsync.

Table of Contents


Format the USB to ext4 (best for linux systems) Create a mount point for the usb. We do this by simply making a directory in the location of our choosing. We are going to make a folder called mkbk in /mnt.

df -T /path/to/usb		# find filesystem path of usb and format type
sudo umount /filesystem/from/above 
sudo mkfs.ext4 /filesystem/from/above -L <label>
mkdir /mnt/bkup

Find the UUID/LABEL of the USB flash drive. Write them down.

sudo blkid | egrep -v loop		# keep loop devices from showing in list
Edit /etc/fstab
sudo vim /etc/fstab		# file use for creating custom settings for a mount.

UUID=f6c28bb7-410e-bfdb-5f4ee820117e /mnt/bkup ext4 rw,noauto,user,exec,async 0 2

# UUID=from earlier using blkid command.

# /mnt/bkup.  The place we created the usb to be mounted.

# ext4.  The format of the drive being mounted.  Do not use NTFS for this.

#	* rw=read and writable.
#	* noauto=keeps from automatically mounting.
#	* user=so normal user can mount and unmount. (do not require root)
#	* exec=ability to execute commands (like rsync)
#	* async=always use async as sync can shorten life of drives.

# 0=do not use backup dump program.
# 2=do a fsck after (root set to 1), 0 if skip fsck.
Mounting from fstab.

Now the USB flash drive should be mountable per our configuration.

mount /mnt/bkup 	# will mount the usb according the setting in fstab file.
mount -t ext4		# check to see if the mount worked, setting are correct.
umount -l /mnt/bkup # lazy unmount-make sure nothing is being written before unmounting.


Create a file calling it whatever you want as long as you end it in .sh. Imma call mine We will deal with where we put it later.

Backup whole system.
umount -l /mnt/bkup 	# make sure it is not already mounted.
mount /mnt/bkup 		# mount from settings in fstab file.

rsync -aAXv --delete --dry-run --exclude="lost+found" --exclude=".cache" --exclude="swapfile" --exclude=".ecryptfs" --exclude="/dev/*" --exclude="/proc/*" --exclude="/sys/*" --exclude="/tmp/*" --exclude="/run/*" --exclude="/mnt/*" --exclude="/media/*" / /mnt/bkup

umount -l /mnt/bkup 	# lazy unmount after backup is complete.

Make the script executable.

chmod 755
Backup specific files.
umount -l /mnt/bkup 	# make sure it is not already mounted.
mount /mnt/bkup 		# mount from settings in fstab file.

rsync -aAXRv --delete --prune-empty-dirs --dry-run  ~/ssh/ ~/.zshrc /etc/fstab /etc/motd /var/www/ /home/./user1/download home/./user2/download /mnt/bkup

umount -l /mnt/bkup 	# lazy unmount after backup is complete.


# at 3:33 AM every Sunday
33 3 * * 0 sh


rsync -aAXv --delete --exclude="lost+found" /mnt/bkup/ /mnt/system