Updated: September 28, 2024
Glava is a music visualizer.
Table of Contents
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/apps
sudo apt update
sudo apt install glava
sudo dnf copr enable ycollet/linuxmao
sudo dnf install glava
sudo pacman -S glava
Place default configuration files to ~/.config/glava by running:
glava --copy-config
vim ~/.config/glava/rc.glsl
If you have only one monitor, leave the first two values (X and Y) as 0, and modify the last two values (width and height) to your screen resolution. For example, if you have only one display with the resolution of 1920x1080, you’d have to set #request setgeometry like this: #request setgeometry 0 0 1920 1080.
X and Y (the first two values) are horizontal and vertical offsets (with 0 0 being the top left corner). On multiple monitors setups, if you want to move the GLava window on another monitor you’ll have to change the X (first) value. Using “0” will show the GLava visualizer on the left-most monitor. Change the X value to the resolution of your left monitor to move the GLava window on the monitor to the right. For example, use #request setgeometry 1920 0 1920 1080 to show it on the second monitor (from left to right).
You can also raise the GLava window so it doesn’t start right at bottom of the screen, by changing the Y (second) value, useful in case you have some dock at the bottom and you want the GLava audio visualizer to be displayed above it. For example, if you don’t see the GLava visualizer on your desktop, try to set the Y value to -150.
To see the changes run:
glava --desktop
Startup Application * add new startup entry called ‘GLava’ * with command ‘sh -c ‘sleep 10 && glava –desktop’
vim ~/.config/autostart/glava.desktop
Enter the content
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sh -c 'sleep 10 && glava --desktop'
MULTIVISUALIZERS {#multi} (two ways to implement)
Custom Way
create copy of the orignal rc.glsl > customName.glsl keeping it along with the others in ~/.config/glava
use –entry flag to run the additional instance.
glava --desktop --entry=customName.glsl
Using rc.glsl & –force-mod
The following would display the mod specified in rc.glsl and circle:
glava --desktop --force-mod=circle